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Commercial Real Estate Use Case

A Commercial Real Estate developer in Chicago was primed to unveil a building full of office spaces available to own instead of lease. The building was located in the hottest market, and investors anticipated a fast sale, with massive returns. Initial sales conversations boomed, yet after months of being on the market, nearly all of that initial interest was stagnant and deals rarely closed. Frustrated and confused about how there could be so much interest at the onset but very few closings, the developer team turned to Inselligence to gain insights into where and how the sales process – and revenue stream – was getting derailed.

The Inselligence methodology was able to quickly build a detailed funnel with multiple granular phases and gates. The Funnel Design screen uncovered significant flaws in the sales process identifying the need to tailor the stages in the pipeline to the way prospects approached their decision making, therefore improving the flow of opportunities through the pipeline converting initial interest in successful closings. With Inselligence, company leaders could see precisely which stages started to stall out. Those insights led to the team holding a series of interviews with sales reps and prospects. The insights uncovered were game-changing: the current sales process was doomed to fail. First, the team learned that what felt like natural next steps to the developers did not  meet the needs of the buyers. Buyers were accustomed to leasing, not buying, and they needed certain components in the process traditionally provided by landlords that were not being provided by the development team. That unfamiliarity caused prospects to turn away. Second, the team discovered that deals sourced from certain areas of the city moved smoothly to closing, but deals sourced from other areas and ad channels were nothing more than noise, not true interest.

The Inselligence Impact:

Inselligence uncovered sales process inefficiencies and helped the developer redesign its sales process in a way that would make better sense for the buyer. Intelligence insights helped revamped several of the key strategies, including:

  • Redesigning their ad strategy: Expensive advertisements in local business magazines had generated massive amounts of early interest, but those leads never closed. The team switched to low cost billboard advertising within a block of the building which drove lower but much more targeted and successful traffic. Those prospects already worked nearby or liked the location, which led to much shorter sales cycles. The team was able to slash ad budgets to almost nothing, and bring in bigger deals with shorter close times.
  • Seeing through the buyers’ eyes: Executives were stumped as to why prospects who expressed initial interest would take tours, and even get so far as to ask for a quote, start negotiations, then disappear. With the help of the Inselligence methodology, the company was able to discover that the short sales process for raw office space was starkly different from the longer leasing process prospects were accustomed to. Buyers were accustomed to seeing finished office space, not concrete and drywall. They weren’t able to visualize what the end office would look like, and they weren’t sure how to estimate the cost to architect and design the spaces. As a result, the developer team partnered with local architects and designers to add in additional steps that included providing visual renderings and cost estimates. These changes enabled prospects to visualize what the raw office spaces could potentially look like, choose an architect, and include design costs in the total deal.
  • Removing roadblocks: Insights from the Inselligence platform showed that deals tended to slow after proposals were delivered. The final negotiations couldn’t get across the finish line. Why? Because commercial real estate lending can be complex, and buyers weren’t sure how to find financing to cover the costs of architecting and finishing the office spaces. To fix this, the developer team simply partnered with local preferred lenders who were able to seamlessly take care of all financing needs with the buyers. With this turnkey solution in place, deals flowed smoothly to completion.
  • Executing with Visibility and Control: Once the most efficient process was designed and implemented, the leadership team was able to execute with the confidence that the team was collectively addressing the right opportunities at the right time. The Inselligence “Keep it Green” screen allowed leadership to track on a daily basis the flow of opportunities. This granular visibility gave them the ability to provide precise direction to sales teams, helping them quickly guide prospects through the new process and close the deals. The effort to implement a CRM prior to Inselligence suddenly began paying dividends when the day-to-day data started to become actionable information that made a material impact on the revenue targets of the firm.

The Results:


in revenue


occupancy in 8 months

Sold the whole building of office spaces in just 8 months, bringing in $55 Million in revenue.

  • Granular visibility led to revamping broken sales process, slashing time-to-close from months to weeks
  • Rep and team analytics uncovered strengths and weaknesses, leading to stronger team construction and bigger deals

Predictive insights into deal performance helped prioritize deals which were most likely to close.

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Coastal Holding Improves Sales Efficiency with Inselligence

The Problem Coastal Holding faced challenges managing their sales pipeline in HubSpot after expanding into new territories. They lacked clear visibility into performance across divisions, geographies, and individual producers. Their pipeline was cluttered with stagnant deals, making forecasting unreliable and hindering sales team focus. The Solution Coastal Holding had past experiences with unreliable tech solutions, making them hesitant to adopt another platform. However, Inselligence offered a unique solution: The Results With Inselligence, Coastal Holding achieved significant improvements: “Prior to Inselligence, managing our sales pipeline across multiple territories was a nightmare. We lacked visibility, and forecasting was a guessing game. Inselligence transformed our approach. By segmenting our pipeline and providing actionable insights, they empowered our sales reps to focus on the right opportunities. This resulted in a dramatic 110% increase in CRM usage, a clear view of our pipeline health, and ultimately, a significant boost in sales efficiency.” — Nishad Azeem, CEO, Coastal Qatar

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Transforming Sales Performance for Key Logistics

The Challenge Key Logistics faced a crucial issue in their operations: It was difficult to accurately calculate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and revenue forecasts from their sales pipeline. Without a comprehensive view of their pipeline, they experienced unfocused sales activities and a decline in new sales, which muddled their KPI metrics even further. The company needed a sophisticated software solution that could clarify year-end projections and identify high-potential opportunities based on real-world business variables. “The complexity of our sales pipeline was making it increasingly difficult to forecast revenue and prioritize high-value tasks. We needed a platform that not only would drive CRM usage but could show us what our pipeline was going to deliver through the end of year and what opportunities to focus on.“  – Valentina Gutierrez, VP Operations The Solution Inselligence addressed this challenge by implementing a diagnostic approach to Key Logistics’ sales process management. Powered by cutting-edge analytics and insights, the Inselligence platform integrated seamlessly with the company’s existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The system allowed all team members to log in, view, and take immediate action on recommended sales activities, thereby increasing their close rates. By giving managers the ability to review the same data their sales reps were examining, Inselligence ensured that the entire team was aligned and focused on revenue-generating tasks. Moreover, the Inselligence interface provided an environment for management to swiftly analyze bottlenecks in the sales process and proactively implement solutions. “Inselligence has taken our company to the next level. Information is intelligently organized and easily accessible by all employees. Our sales process is now a collaborative effort, and our sales members see the value of inputting their deal data. I recommend Inselligence to anyone who wants to improve their company’s revenue.“ – Valentina Gutierrez, VP Operations The Results The results have been nothing short of remarkable. In the first four months, account executives increased their CRM usage by 110%, generating more accurate data that informed key business decisions. With a clearer understanding of their pipeline and bottlenecks, Key Logistics revamped their sales process, which led to more accurate sales goals for each account executive and clearly defined deal loads at each step of the sales process to ensure revenue targets were attained. Additionally, Key Logistics was able to improve the accuracy of their CRM deal data, including the close date and deal amount, by over 90%. This enhancement enabled company leadership to adjust revenue targets upward for the year. For more information on how Inselligence can drive similar results for your organization, contact us today. Email: Call: (786) 791-8310

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New Year, New Sales Strategy: Upgrade Your Sales Process with Inselligence

As the new year gets going, it brings an opportunity for reflection and renewal, particularly in how you approach your sales strategy. If you’ve been relying on the same old methods and tools, it might be time for an upgrade. Enter Inselligence – your partner in transforming and elevating your sales process to meet the demands of 2024 and beyond. Understanding the Need for Change The sales landscape is evolving rapidly. Customers are more informed, markets are fiercely competitive, and traditional sales tactics are losing their effectiveness. To stay ahead, you need a strategy that’s dynamic, data-driven, and adaptable. This is where Inselligence comes in, offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance every aspect of your sales process. What is Inselligence? Inselligence is a cutting-edge platform that integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM system to provide real-time data, actionable insights, and predictive analytics. It’s not just a tool; it’s a complete ecosystem that empowers your sales team to make smarter decisions, close deals faster, and build lasting relationships with customers. Key Features of Inselligence Transforming Your Sales Strategy with Inselligence Getting Started with Inselligence Embracing a new tool can seem daunting, but Inselligence is designed to integrate smoothly into your existing sales process. It’s user-friendly, customizable, and supported by a team of experts who are always ready to help. As you look ahead, consider the benefits of a revolutionized sales strategy. Inselligence isn’t just about keeping up; it’s about staying ahead, exceeding your goals, and setting new standards for success. In 2024, let Inselligence guide your way to a more intelligent, more successful sales strategy. The future of sales is here. Are you ready to be a part of it?

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How Sales Process Inefficiency Steals Your Revenue

Imagine a silent thief slowly siphoning off your revenue. This isn’t a fictional scenario; it’s the reality of many businesses struggling with sales process inefficiency. While you might not see the culprit, the impact on your bottom line is undeniable. The Hidden Cost of Inefficiencies: Inefficiencies in your sales process can lurk in various forms, like: These issues can have a significant cumulative effect. Lost deals, lengthened sales cycles, and decreased team productivity all contribute to a silent drain on your revenue, potentially jeopardizing your financial stability and growth aspirations. What about your CRM? While Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a crucial role in sales management, they often act as data storage repositories rather than powerful analytics engines. CRMs alone cannot provide the real-time insights and actionable intelligence needed to effectively identify and address the silent drain of inefficiencies. Traditional CRMs lack the necessary tools to analyze data in real-time, identify bottlenecks, and track activity across the entire pipeline. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact source of inefficiencies and implement targeted improvements. Inselligence: Your Revenue Guardian Inselligence is a revolutionary revenue intelligence platform that goes beyond the limitations of traditional CRMs. Inselligence goes beyond dashboards and static reports. It provides a dynamic, real-time view of your entire sales process. Real-Time Visibility – Your Weapon of Choice: Inselligence integrates seamlessly with your CRM, presenting a unified view of your entire sales landscape in real-time. This empowers you to: By eliminating blind spots and providing a comprehensive view of your sales process, Inselligence empowers you to anticipate and prevent problems before they materialize. This proactive approach helps you: Don’t let the silent drain of sales process inefficiencies continue to steal your revenue. Inselligence arms you with the real-time visibility and actionable intelligence needed to identify and eliminate these hidden threats. With Inselligence as your partner, you can reclaim control of your sales process  and unlock growth opportunities to achieve your revenue goals.

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No New Spreadsheets, We Promise.

Let’s explore why transitioning from our beloved (and sometimes bewildering) spreadsheets to a sophisticated revenue intelligence platform isn’t just a step forward – it’s a leap into a world where ‘pivot tables’ and ‘VLOOKUP’ are words of the past. 1. Real-Time Data: Say Goodbye to ‘Refresh’ Frenzy Remember frantically hitting the refresh button or manually updating data cells, hoping that the numbers finally make sense? With the Inselligence Platform, this relic of the past is replaced by real-time data updates. Now, decisions are based on what’s happening at this moment, not last Tuesday. 2. Predictive Analytics: Your New Crystal Ball While spreadsheets can tell you what happened, they’re not so great at forecasting what will happen. That’s where Inselligence, with proven algorithms and analytics, helps teams precisely forecast and make better decisions. 3. Integration and Automation: Less Copy-Pasting, More Strategizing Think of the hours spent copy-pasting data between spreadsheets, a process as error-prone as trying to type with mittens on. Inselligence integrates seamlessly with your CRM, automating what used to be a manual and tedious process. 4. Collaborative Utopia: Where Version Control Nightmares End Ever worked on a spreadsheet only to realize three different versions exist, and none of them match? The Inselligence platform offers a single source of truth, accessible to all relevant team members. 5. Team Alignment: They know what to do and why they’re doing it With data-driven insights and real-time notifications, Inselligence informs your sales team where to focus to achieve their goals so they spend time taking productive action instead of opening the wrong spreadsheet.

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Sales Process Mapping and Analytics: A Powerful Combination for Boosting Sales

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes improve their sales processes. By mapping and analyzing your sales process in your CRM, you can identify areas for improvement, increase sales productivity, and close more deals. What is Sales Process Mapping? Sales process mapping is the process of visually representing the steps in your sales process, from lead generation to customer closure. When creating a CRM sales process map, it is important to include the following information: Benefits of Sales Process Mapping There are many benefits to sales process mapping, including: How to Analyze Your Sales Process Once you have mapped out your sales process, you can start to analyze it to identify areas for improvement. There are a number of different ways to analyze your sales process, including: Using CRM Analytics to Improve Your Sales Process Once you have analyzed your sales process, you can use CRM analytics to identify specific areas for improvement. For example, you may find that your conversion rates are low at a particular stage of the sales process. You can then use CRM analytics to identify the reasons for this and make necessary changes to improve your conversion rates. CRM analytics can also be used to identify trends and patterns in your sales data. For example, you may find that certain types of leads are more likely to close than others. You can then use this information to focus your sales efforts on the types of leads that are most likely to convert. Conclusion CRM sales process mapping and analytics are powerful tools that can help businesses of all sizes improve their sales processes. By mapping out and analyzing your sales process, you can identify areas for improvement, increase sales productivity, and close more deals. Here are some additional tips for using CRM sales process mapping and analytics to improve your sales: By following these tips, you can use CRM sales process mapping and analytics to improve your sales process and close more deals.

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Best Practices for Accurate Sales Forecasting and Reaching Your Target

Accurate sales forecasting is essential for any business that wants to achieve its sales goals. By predicting future sales, businesses can make better decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and go-to-market strategy. They can also set realistic sales goals for their teams and provide them with the support they need to succeed. However, accurate sales forecasting can be a challenge. There are many factors that can affect sales, including market conditions, customer behavior, and competitive activity. Additionally, sales data can be complex and difficult to interpret. Best Practices for Accurate Sales Forecasting There are a number of things that businesses can do to improve the accuracy of their sales forecasts, including: How Revenue Intelligence and Pipeline Management Tools Can Help Revenue intelligence and pipeline management tools can help businesses to improve the accuracy of their sales forecasts in a number of ways. These tools can help businesses to: How to Reach Your Target with Revenue Intelligence and Pipeline Management Tools Revenue intelligence and pipeline management tools can also help businesses to reach their target market. These tools can help businesses to: Conclusion Revenue intelligence and pipeline management tools are essential tools for businesses that want to improve the accuracy of their sales forecasts and reach their target market. By using these tools, businesses can make better decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and go-to-market strategy. They can also set realistic sales goals for their teams and provide them with the support they need to succeed.

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The Unseen Cost of CRM Data Neglect

In today’s fast-paced business environment, where every decision can impact your organization’s trajectory, there’s an under-the-radar issue that might be silently hindering your sales team’s effectiveness and, consequently, your company’s bottom line. This critical yet often overlooked aspect is the inadequate utilization of Sales Process Analytics within your CRM system. The solution, however, might not just lie in your CRM’s capabilities but also in integrating a sophisticated third-party Revenue Intelligence tool. Imagine trying to complete a complex puzzle with several pieces missing. That’s the scenario many sales teams face when they fail to fully capitalize on the analytics available through their CRM system. This gap in analytics can lead to a series of unnoticed yet impactful consequences: Embracing a Comprehensive Solution The remedy lies not only in recognizing the power of your existing CRM analytics but also in enhancing it with a third-party Revenue Intelligence tool. These sophisticated tools simplify and amplify the insights you can glean from your sales data. Consider their integration as part of your strategy: Implementing the Solution Integrating a third-party Revenue Intelligence tool with your CRM system is a strategic move that can transform a potential liability into a formidable asset: Charting a Course to Success While the challenge of not fully leveraging Sales Process Analytics in your CRM is significant, the integration of a third-party Revenue Intelligence tool presents an opportunity for unparalleled insight and strategic advantage. By embracing these advanced analytics capabilities, your organization can not only sidestep potential setbacks but also navigate towards greater efficiency, improved customer engagement, and sustained growth. Remember, in the ever-competitive world of sales and business leadership, staying informed and agile is not just an option—it’s a necessity for thriving in the modern marketplace. Inselligence is the revenue intelligence platform that helps businesses close more deals, faster. Inselligence integrates with your CRM to provide a real-time control panel for revenue operations and sales team performance. Schedule a custom demo today to see how Inselligence can help you take your sales to the next level.

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Transforming Sales Performance at Key Logistics with Inselligence

The Challenge Key Logistics faced a crucial issue in their operations: the difficulty in accurately calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and forecasting revenue from their sales pipeline. The lack of a comprehensive view into their pipeline led to unfocused sales activities and a decline in new sales. This consequently further muddled their KPI metrics. The company required a sophisticated software solution that could provide clarity into year-end projections and identify high-potential opportunities based on real-world business variables. “The complexity of our sales pipeline was making it increasingly difficult to forecast revenue and prioritize high-value tasks. We needed a platform that not only would drive CRM usage but could show us what our pipeline was going to deliver through the end of year and what opportunities to focus on.“  – Valentina Gutierrez, VP Operations The Solution Inselligence addressed this challenge by implementing a diagnostic approach to sales process management at Key Logistics. The solution, powered by cutting-edge analytics and insights, integrated seamlessly with Key Logistics’ existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The system empowered all team members to log in, view, and take immediate action on recommended sales activities, thereby increasing their close rates. In addition, managers gained the ability to review the same data their sales reps were examining, ensuring that the entire team was aligned and focused on revenue-generating tasks. Moreover, Inselligence’s solution provided an environment for management to swiftly analyze bottlenecks in the sales process and proactively implement solutions. “Inselligence has taken our company to the next level. Information is intelligently organized and easily accessible by all employees. Our sales process is now a collaborative effort and our sales members are wanting to input their deal data. I recommend Inselligence to anyone that wants to improve their company’s revenue.“– Valentina Gutierrez, VP Operations The Results The results have been nothing short of remarkable: For more information on how Inselligence can drive similar results for your organization, contact us: Email: Call: (786) 791-8310

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Sales Process Analytics

Sales process analytics is the use of data to understand how deals progress through the sales pipeline and to identify areas where the sales process can be improved. This type of analytics can be used to: Sales team capacity Sales team capacity is the maximum number of deals that a sales team can handle effectively. It is important to understand your sales team’s capacity so that you can set realistic goals and avoid overloading your sales reps. How deal stage and sales process analytics relates to sales team capacity Deal stage and sales process analytics can be used to understand your sales team’s capacity and to make sure that you are not overloading them. For example, you can use analytics to: Using deal stage and sales process analytics to improve sales team capacity Once you have analyzed your deal stage and sales process data, you can use it to identify areas where you can improve your sales team’s capacity. For example, you might: By using deal stage and sales process analytics to improve your sales team’s capacity, you can generate more revenue and grow your business.

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Sales Pipeline Segmentation

Pipeline segmentation is the process of dividing your sales pipeline into smaller groups of opportunities based on shared characteristics. This can be done based on a variety of criteria, such as deal size, industry, customer type, or stage of the sales process. Benefits of pipeline segmentation: How to segment your sales pipeline: There are a variety of ways to segment your sales pipeline. The best approach for you will depend on your specific business and sales process. However, some common segmentation criteria include: Once you have segmented your pipeline, you can begin to tailor your sales efforts to each segment. For example, you may want to create different sales pitches for each segment, or you may want to use different marketing channels to reach each segment. Here are some additional tips for segmenting your sales pipeline: By following these tips, you can segment your sales pipeline in a way that will help you to improve your sales performance and increase your sales. Here are some examples of how you can use pipeline segmentation to improve your sales efforts: By segmenting your sales pipeline and tailoring your sales efforts to each segment, you can improve your sales performance and increase your sales.

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The Importance of Sales Pipeline Management

What is Sales Pipeline Management? Sales pipeline management is the process of tracking and managing potential sales opportunities, also known as deals, from the initial lead stage to the final closed-won or closed-lost stage. It is a critical component of any successful sales process, as it helps salespeople to: Why is Sales Pipeline Management Important? There are a number of reasons why sales pipeline management is important for meeting sales goals. First, it helps salespeople to stay organized and focused on the right opportunities. By having a clear view of their pipeline, salespeople can see which deals are moving forward, which ones are at risk, and which ones need more attention. This allows them to prioritize their time and resources accordingly. Second, sales pipeline management helps salespeople to identify and address bottlenecks and challenges. For example, if a salesperson is noticing that a lot of their deals are getting stuck in the qualification stage, they can use this information to identify the root of the problem and take steps to address it. Third, sales pipeline management helps salespeople to forecast revenue and close more deals. By tracking the progress of their deals and understanding their historical conversion rates, salespeople can get a good estimate of how much revenue they can expect to close in a given period of time. This information can be used to set realistic sales goals and develop strategies for achieving them. Best Practices for Sales Pipeline Management Here are some best practices for sales pipeline management: How Sales Pipeline Management Can Help You Meet Your Sales Goals Sales pipeline management can help you to meet your sales goals in a number of ways. First, it helps you to stay organized and focused on the right opportunities. By having a clear view of your pipeline, you can see which deals are moving forward, which ones are at risk, and which ones need more attention. This allows you to prioritize your time and resources accordingly. Second, sales pipeline management helps you to identify and address bottlenecks and challenges. For example, if you are noticing that a lot of your deals are getting stuck in the qualification stage, you can use this information to identify the root of the problem and take steps to address it. Third, sales pipeline management helps you to forecast revenue and close more deals. By tracking the progress of your deals and understanding your historical conversion rates, you can get a good estimate of how much revenue you can expect to close in a given period of time. This information can be used to set realistic sales goals and develop strategies for achieving them. Here are some specific examples of how sales pipeline management can help you to meet your sales goals: Overall, sales pipeline management is a critical component of any successful sales strategy. By implementing the best practices outlined above, you can use sales pipeline management to increase your lead conversion rate, reduce your sales cycle length, improve your sales team’s performance, increase your average deal size, and improve your customer retention rate. All of these factors can contribute to helping you to meet your sales goals. Here are some additional tips for using pipeline management to meet your sales goals:

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