Revenue intelligence. Simplified.

As process experts, we understand the value of simplicity. Our intuitive platform eliminates complexity from your sales process. Our pricing does the same for your budget.

You only pay for the number of reps actively managing deals; however, your entire team gets unlimited viewing access to the platform at no additional cost.

What Can You Expect From Inselligence?

Seamless Integration

Inselligence works with most leading CRM and ERP systems, connecting in minutes and delivering insights within seconds.

Expert Support

We don’t make you figure things out on your own. We provide a 100% hands-on implementation process to ensure the platform perfectly fits your needs.

Transparent Pricing

Our single cost structure includes platform updates, feature releases, and ongoing licensing. There's a one-time implementation, but that's it — no surprise costs.


Want to know more? Check out these answers to the questions we get most often.

Inselligence uses a patent-pending, algorithm-based revenue intelligence platform to access your real-time sales data and deliver process insights your CRM can’t provide on its own. In seconds, Inselligence delivers the data you need to identify bottlenecks, resolve inefficiencies, and create a cycle of continuous improvement in your sales process.

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Case Study

Commercial real estate use case

Inselligence uncovered sales process inefficiencies and helped the developer redesign its sales process in a way that would make better sense for the buyer. Our methodology was able to quickly build a detailed funnel with multiple granular phases and gates.


in revenue


occupancy in 8 months