Lead Management

Bridge the gap between sales and marketing.

If you’re a marketing pro who constantly fields questions about your lead quality, Inselligence levels up your game with practical process insights. Using real-time sales data, Inselligence enables you to make informed decisions and improvements that drive consistent results.

Say goodbye to...

  • Confusing communication
  • Unclear lead gen goals
  • Conflicting strategies
Revenue UI

Create better leads more consistently.

When you apply our revenue intelligence solution to your marketing efforts, you discover actionable insights that your CRM won’t deliver on its own. You’ll see which leads stall and which leads sail through the sales process and close successfully.

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Avg Days in Step
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Inselligence customers say it best.
Inselligence's revenue intelligence platform has provided valuable insights into our lead nurturing process. By identifying which leads are most likely to convert, we can now tailor our outreach and prioritize the leads with the highest potential, ultimately improving our lead management effectiveness.
Before Inselligence, our lead nurturing was a guessing game. Now, with their data-driven insights, we can qualify leads more effectively and personalize outreach. As a result, we’re seeing higher conversion rates from lead to qualified opportunity.
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Case Study

Commercial real estate use case

Inselligence uncovered sales process inefficiencies and helped the developer redesign its sales process in a way that would make better sense for the buyer. Our methodology was able to quickly build a detailed funnel with multiple granular phases and gates.


in revenue


occupancy in 8 months