Inselligence for C Level & Executives

Take Control. Drive Revenue. Power Your 
Sales Engine.

Inselligence is the revenue intelligence platform designed for C-level executives like you. We transform sales data into actionable insights, giving you the clarity and control you need to optimize your sales process and drive explosive revenue growth.

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For CEO's-Pipeline Management
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Stat Card

Go from high-level KPIs
to specific insights. In an instant.

Are you tired of inaccurate forecasts and inefficient sales processes holding your company back? Free yourself from tedious data analysis and focus on what matters.

Unify your go-to-market teams behind a cohesive sales strategy.
Improve forecast accuracy. Say goodbye to gut feelings and guesswork. 
Optimize sales performance by pinpointing bottlenecks in your pipeline.

As an executive, you navigate a complex world. Inselligence eliminates information overload with an algorithm-powered platform designed to simplify your sales process.

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Inselligence customers say it best.
Since implementing Inselligence, our deal pipeline management has become far more transparent. We can now identify deals unlikely to close early on, allowing us to focus our resources on the most promising opportunities.
Nishad Azeem
CEO, Coastal Holding Group
Inselligence's platform gave us a clear view of our sales pipeline. We were able to identify bottlenecks and wasted steps, which allowed us to streamline the process and significantly improve deal flow. Inselligence also allows us to build the correct sales process and identify our true sales capacity.
Ignacio Perez
President, Escala 24x7
Inselligence shed light on inefficiencies in our sales process and deal steps. By pinpointing these roadblocks, we were able to streamline the entire process, resulting in faster deal cycles and happier customers.
Jason Glaser
Partner, TCII Capital
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Case Study

Commercial real estate use case

Inselligence uncovered sales process inefficiencies and helped the developer redesign its sales process in a way that would make better sense for the buyer. Our methodology was able to quickly build a detailed funnel with multiple granular phases and gates.


in revenue


occupancy in 8 months